Custom boilers and steam-powered heating systems ctw

Heating techniques


A majority of all tank cleaning processes require the cleaning water and cleaning agents to have a certain temperature in order for the processes to be optimized. To heat the water and cleaning agents to the right temperature however, a lot of energy is needed, which is why it is important to implement an efficient and suitable system to improve productivity and reduce heating time and costs.

We always make sure that we equip our tank cleaning installations with the best automated heating systems based on our clients’ cleaning application, installation scale and tank contents. We either install one of our various steamboilers, steam generators and central heating boilers in combination with heat exchangers (low and high pressure).*

*when it comes to our steam-powered systems, we partner with a certified expert to ensure an optimal installation functioning.

Recuperation & reusage

To help our clients improve their efficiency and keep their costs low, we always design our systems to recuperate the condensate water and flue gases. The energy used gets efficiently recovered and stored in the form of gases, steam and residual heat.

Steam application example

Steam boiler

The food products our client transports arrive at their destination fresh and safe in squeaky clean transport tanks. To thoroughly clean these tanks time and again, we combined our technical knowledge with that of an expert in heating and air process technology. A partnership made in heaven! Together, we came up with a system that buffers heat rather than generating it instantly, with the result that we were able to use less energy to yield a higher output. To start with, the water is pressurised at the appropriate temperature at exactly the right time. The PLC system keeps things simple and makes everything easy to control.

  • Output: 1,000 kg steam/h
  • Operating pressure: 13 barg
  • Working pressure: 10 to 11 barg
  • Fuel: natural gas

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