
  • Self Service Carwash

Renovation of a two piece self carwash.

Recently, CTW renovated the self carwash of Momidistri in Momignies. The installation of the carwash was totally renewed and the construction got a make-over. The old carwash construction was disassembled and replaced by a new CTW NEW 2020 construction. In stead of a glass wall, the owner chose firm sail to display the washing instructions.

There are two covered wash boxes provided with the following washing programs: prewash, foam lance, rinse, hotwax and final rinse.

The current washing installation was built in 2000, so the owner wanted to renew his carwash and contacted CTW. After a couple of conversations on site they decided to renew and modernize the technical installation and the construction.

Renovation of the carwash construction

The construction lacquered with paint was replaced by a galvanized construction with two washing places. The dividing walls are provided with firm sails where the owner can place advertisements. At this moment the washing instructions are displayed. Obtaining a building permit proved to be no problem for the municipality.

Technical renewal of the carwash

In addition to the construction, the technical part of the carwash was renewed too:

  • The entire pump unit has been replaced.
  • A standard frame with vibration-damping machine feet was installed, equipped with two high-pressure pump groups (HT4715 Interpump 120 bar 11 l/min coupled to 2.2 kW motors) with the option of injecting chemical products via associated pulse-controlled dosing pumps.
  • Underground water tanks were replaced by above ground storage tanks. In this way a visual check is possible.
  • The mechanical “Fleck” water softener was replaced by a digital “Clack” water softener.
  • Installation of stainless steel pipes that supply the cold, warm and osmosis water via automatically controlled solenoid valves.
  • Accessories in the boxes such as swing arms, lance holders, hoses and pistols were completely renewed.
  • The previous control consoles were replaced by stainless steel totems, where the customer has the option of making his choice of program via touchscreen.

Energy saving facilities

Via the CTW management system (VT control with remote monitoring options), the owner of the car wash can determine which wash programs work on cold or warm water. In this way, savings can be made on energy supplies, in this case a new oil boiler from ACV.

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