
  • Self Service Carwash
reference ottowash houthalen-helchteren ctw cleaning

New installation and washing program for the Ottowash-network

In 2018, we were asked to build a new self-service car wash for Master Carwash, one of our long term clients for whom we had already built numerous other installations. However, their new installation would be different from the ones we built before, as it would include a new washing program that was not part of any of their other self-service car washes.

Since Master Carwash is one of our long term clients, we regularly discuss opportunities and possibilities to expand their network. When they saw this specific opportunity back in 2018, they once again asked us to deliver and help them capitalize on it. And so we did.

This was the first of our Ottowash-installations that would offer the rim cleaner washing program

Gregory Stevens – director of Master Carwash

A new addition to an impressive network

Under the name ‘Ottowash’, Master Carwash owns and runs over 33 car washes located all over Belgium. For their 33th installation, the latest addition to their network to this day, they asked us to help them realize a new custom project.

We started the project, as we always do, by analyzing the location and its possibilities. The location was a small piece of land behind a gas station, both of which were owned by one of Master Carwash’ other partner, Gabriëls. The piece of land was ideal in the sense that it was located right next to a busy road, as well as only a few kilometers away from Master Carwash’ head offices. After a profitability analysis, we also found that there were no other car washes or competitors in the area that could lure away potential customers, which – together with other factors – made for a very suitable location.

What we did

We designed and built the entire installation to make sure it is user-friendly and does not harm the environment. We also helped Master Carwash get all the required building and environmental permits, as well as helped them communicate with the Houthalen-Helchteren town council about any other requirements or restrictions.

The town council asked us to build a sound wall around the installation to prevent any noise or hinderance for the people that live nearby. Additionally, the council also imposed a restriction where the car wash cannot be opened on Sundays and holidays.


Specifications of the installation

Master Carwash chose our D5 NEW 2000 model for their car wash and got a customized installation that includes:

  • 4 fully equipped washing bays with 3 swingarms each
  • 7 washing programs (pre-wash, foam lance, foam brush, rinse, hot wax, shine rinse, and rim cleaning)
  • Technical/machine room
  • PLC management system
  • Semi-underground waste containers
  • Payment terminals (cash or tokens)
  • Touch screen control panels
  • Glass divider panels
  • Car mat beaters
  • Vacuum cleaners
  • Car maintenance product vending machine

Are you interested in our services?

Are you interested in our services or do you have any questions about our possibilities? Contact us through our contact form!

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